TemplateBase Class


The TemplateBase class is the backend class for Pymaidol templates and serves as the base class for all Pymaidol template classes. It is an abstract class that cannot be instantiated and needs to be inherited for use.

Module: pymaidol.TemplateBase

Inherits from: abc.ABC


from pymaidol import TemplateBase


from pymaidol.TemplateBase import TemplateBase


TemplateBase(template, template_file_path, supported_annotation_types, disable_annotation_types) (virtual)


  • template (str, optional): The template string. Default is None.
  • template_file_path (str, optional): The template file path. Default is None.
  • supported_annotation_types (list[AnnotationTypeEnum], optional): The list of supported annotation types. Default is all annotation types (Python, C single-line and multi-line comments, HTML comments).
  • disable_annotation_types (list[AnnotationTypeEnum], optional): The list of disabled annotation types, making these annotations appear in the rendered text. Default is empty. Disabled annotations take precedence over supported annotations. For example, if AnnotationTypeEnum.SingleLineAnnotationTypeEnum.Python (Python single-line comments) is included in disable_annotation_types, it will be disabled regardless of whether it is included in supported_annotation_types.

When both template and template_file_path are None, the TemplateBase class and its subclasses will attempt to read the template file .pymd with the same name in the same directory as itself. If both are not empty, template will be used as a priority.


rendered (str, readonly)

The rendered string. If Render() method has not been called since self-initialization or calling HotReload() method, it will be None.

template (str, readonly)

The template string.


HotReload(template, template_file_path) (final)

Reloads the template.


  • template (str, optional): The template string. Default is None.
  • template_file_path (str, optional): The template file path. Default is None.

When both template and template_file_path are None, the TemplateBase class and its subclasses will attempt to read the template file .pymd with the same name in the same directory as itself. If both are not empty, template will be used as a priority.

Returns (None)


Render(inject_kwargs) (final)

Renders the template string with the given data.


  • inject_kwargs (dict, Optional): The externally injected variables used for rendering the template string. Default is None. The injected variables will be treated as local variables.

Returns (str)

The rendered string.