Getting Started

Requirements and Installation

python >= 3.10

pip install Pymaidol -i

The First Pymaidol Template

Creating a Template File

First, assume you have created a folder named pymaidol_test. Open the folder as the working directory using an editor or IDE.

Open the command line in the pymaidol_test folder and enter the following command:

python -m pymaidol -n FirstTemplate

FirstTemplate is the class name of the template. The command line will output the following content, and two files, FirstTemplate.pymd and, will be generated in the folder:

Success: file "FirstTemplate.pymd" created
Success: file "" created

Writing the Template Design File

First, replace all the contents in FirstTemplate.pymd with the following code:

from pymaidol import TemplateBase
from pymaidol.AnnotationType import FULL_ANNOTATION_TYPE, AnnotationTypeEnum

class FirstTemplate(TemplateBase):
    def __init__(self, 
                 template: str | None = None, 
                 template_file_path: str | None = None, 
                 supported_annotation_types: list[AnnotationTypeEnum] = FULL_ANNOTATION_TYPE,
                 disable_annotation_types: list[AnnotationTypeEnum] = []) -> None:
        super().__init__(template, template_file_path, supported_annotation_types, disable_annotation_types)
        self.package_name = package_name
def main():
    template = FirstTemplate("Pymaidol")
    string = template.Render({"says": "Hello World"})
if __name__ == "__main__":

This code mainly modifies the following parts:

  • Adds the package_name attribute to the FirstTemplate class.
  • Adds the main function to instantiate the FirstTemplate class. The package_name parameter is passed to the constructor of the FirstTemplate class with a value of Pymaidol.
  • Calls the Render method and passes a dictionary {"says": "Hello World"} to it.

Then, replace all the contents in the FirstTemplate class with the following code:

@{import time}
Now (@(time.ctime())), Say "@(says)" using @(self.package_name)!

Run, and the command line will output the following content:

Now (Tue May 23 19:21:19 2023), Say "Hello World" using Pymaidol!

See Also